Barwon Water’s price plan approved

June 27, 2018 BY

THE Essential Services Commission (ESC) has announced its approval of Barwon Water’s prices for the next five years, ensuring a reliable, secure and affordable water future for the Barwon region.

The ESC has approved Barwon Water’s proposal for no bill increases in 2018/19 (except for inflation) while continuing to invest in areas customers said were important to them.

This includes helping more people in hardship, helping customers save water and reducing impacts on the environment through greater use of recycled water and renewable energy.

The commission rated Barwon Water’s price submission as ‘advanced’, noting it will deliver better value for customers.

It also acknowledged Barwon Water’s strong commitment to controlling costs, delivering one of the highest efficiency targets in the water sector, expected to save $26 million over the next five years.

Barwon Water managing director Tracey Slatter welcomed the ESC’s determination.

“Customers can be reassured that through our strong discipline of saving $26 million in our operating costs over the next five years we will be able to keep our bills stable and low.

“Barwon Water already has one of the lowest bills in Australia for a water company of our size. Nationally, we are in the lowest 10 per cent for major water corporation bills and this next price period should see this continue.

“While we are committed to reducing our operating costs, at the same time we are also aiming to improve our service to customers.

“We will deliver the outcomes our customers’ value, such as a large capital works program – securing our water supplies – environmental improvements, switching to more sustainable and cost effective energy sources and supporting those facing hardship.

“The outcomes, actions and prices we are committed to over the next five years are the direct result of extensive engagement with our customers over the past 18 months.”

She said that over the past five years, Barwon Water’s prices had reduced 7.6 per cent (excluding inflation). By the end of this new pricing period, the average bill for a residential owner occupier will be $1,038 – $163 less than in 2013.

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