
Bell rings on new coastal management era

July 4, 2024 BY

From left, Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority board chair Libby Mears, Wadawurrung Traditional Owner Corrina Eccles and Surf Coast Shire Council mayor Liz Pattison. Photos: NATHAN RIVALLAND

THE Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority (GORCAPA) has rung the bell on a new era of its coastal management by taking over the Bells Beach Surfing Recreation Reserve.

The authority officially took on the management of the world’s first surfing reserve, located on Wadawurrung Country, on Monday this week.

Since 1971, the Surf Coast Shire has managed the reserve alongside Traditional Owners and community groups.

While already being responsible for public coast and parks in the wider area, the authority’s management will now extend to additional bushland and car parks at the reserve.

This includes The Waves car park (corner of Bells Beach Road), Winkipop and Bells Beach, bushland up to the east edge of Southside car park and water 300m out to sea, from Rocky Point to Point Addis Marine Sanctuary.

The community can also expect the automatic transfer of active licence and permits, with existing terms and conditions.

There will be no changes to the Rip Curl Pro Bells Beach or the number of surfing events held at Bells Beach, and no impacts to nearby private landowners.

Wadawurrung Traditional Owner Corrina Eccles completing a smoking ceremony at the handover.


The Coastal and Marine Management Plan 2015-2025 will remain in place to guide a vision to respect and protect the natural environment, Wadawurrung heritage and surfing culture.

GORCAPA board chair Libby Mears said the authority looked forward to protecting and enhancing Bells Beach/Djarrak.

“I would like to acknowledge Council’s stewardship and the councillors, mayors and officers who have worked so diligently to improve the environmental values, address the negative impacts of over-tourism, and who have built important partnerships to manage this iconic precinct for over 50 years.

“I also recognise many other local groups who have never left Bells/Djarrak to chance.

“We will continue to strengthen our partnerships with Wadawurrung and all who strive to protect this area’s cultural, social and environmental values.”

More than 20 dignitaries gathered at Bells Beach on Monday to symbolise the changeover.


Shire mayor Liz Pattison said Bells Beach/Djarrak would be in great hands moving forward.

“Bells Beach / Djarrak is a special area that we have had the formal honour of looking after, along with many community groups, for the past 53 years.

“However, for 65,000 years this very special place has been cared for and managed by Wadawurrung People, the Traditional Custodians.

“We know the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority will continue this great work in conjunction with the Wadawurrung and our passionate community.”

The reserve is among more than 150,000 hectares of public land in the Great Ocean Road region being progressively transferred to GORCAPA by November 1, 2025.

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