Call to improve childcare services in Wannon

Women's Health and Wellbeing Barwon South West CEO Jodie Hill said childcare shortages particularly affected women. Photo: JODIE H./LINKEDIN
WOMEN’S Health and Wellbeing Barwon South West (WHWBSW) has joined a campaign to make south-west Victoria’s childcare shortages a national political issue.
WHWBSW has previously advocated for valuing care and ensuring the predominantly female childcare workforce is fairly paid.
The organisation is now backing the Southwest Victoria Alliance’s push ahead of the coming election for federal action to increase the number of childcare centres, staff and available places in the state’s south-west, including in the electorate of Wannon.
The campaign also urges the federal government to fund a new childcare centre of excellence at Deakin University in Warrnambool, to help train childcare workers locally.
“Too many families are waiting several months for a place in childcare, or missing out entirely,” WHWBSW chief executive officer Jodie Hill said.
“A family’s whole existence is thrown into limbo.
“Communities across Wannon are crying out for meaningful action on our ‘childcare deserts’.”
According to the Southwest Victoria Alliance’s campaign, factors behind the shortages include small and dispersed populations, staff shortages, difficulties establishing new centres, and a lack of adequate incentives for providers.
Ms Hill said childcare shortages affected entire families, but had a particular impact on women.
“A woman’s choice about whether, or to what extent, she participates in paid work is significantly impacted.
“This undercuts a woman’s ability to earn money, accumulate superannuation, pursue career progression and achieve financial security.”
She said it was important to highlight why childcare workers should be fairly paid for their work.
“Most childcare workers are female, and it’s critical that they are valued properly and paid fairly for the important work they do and the responsibility they carry. That’s currently not the case.”
For more information on the Southwest Victoria Alliance campaign, head to