Call to lower speed limit on Torquay North roads
A TORQUAY parent has called for the speed limit on roads in Torquay North to be lowered, following an incident where his son was knocked off his bike.
Scott Brett said the August 18 accident happened at the roundabout at the intersection of Wadawurrung Way and Merrijig Drive at about 3.15pm, where his son entered the roundabout from Wadawurrung Way as a ute approached from the left.
“The ute appeared to slow down so my son continued. Then the ute suddenly accelerated, collecting my son flush and sending him flying,” Mr Brett said.
“My son is okay. He did have an ambulance ride and a short stay in the ER. The police attended and the driver was issued [an] infringement.”
Merrijig Drive and Rosser Boulevard have 50kmh speed limits, but Mr Brett said he found it “odd and concerning” that the area did not have a 40kmh limit, given its proximity to Kurrambee Myaring Community Centre and the Djila Tjarri Skate Park as well as the nearby Surf Coast Secondary College.
“It lies between an school and sport playground area, and is directly outside a kinder/daycare centre.
“The kids for the high school pour across these roads in different places. There are paths that cross Merrijig Drive that sort of look like pedestrian crossings, but are not. Kids can sometime treat them as such and move onto the road unexpected.
“I had spoken to the team leader from the daycare centre, who spoke about the number of near-misses noted before my son’s accident.”
Surf Coast Shire acting general manager of place making and environment Kate Sullivan said Merrijig Drive and Rosser Boulevard had the “urban default speed limits” of 50kmh, while Wadawurrung Way had a 20kmh limit.
“Council officers are able to assess this area using VicRoads speed zone guidelines, and discuss recommendations to the Department of Transport.
“Officers are also able to complete a review and assess pedestrian movements on this stretch of road, to determine if the area would benefit from pedestrian crossings, additional infrastructure or road safety messages.
“Council and Department of Transport data does not show any accidents at the intersection.
“We encourage community members with local road safety concerns to lodge a request with us via our website so we can look into potential improvements.”