
CFA unit calls for volunteers

July 11, 2023 BY

L-R: Bellbrae CFA's captain Aaron Sytema, lieutenant Ro Frost and long-time member Eric Messer at the front of their station on School Road. Photos: VINNIE VAN OORSCHOT

BELLBRAE CFA has put the call out to the Surf Coast community to consider joining its brigade ahead of what is expected to be a dry summer period.

Brigade captain Aaron Sytema says now is the perfect time to join the CFA to allow new members to complete training.

“Training a new firefighter up to operational status takes about six months and so this is an ideal time to seek volunteers who wish to be part of the amazing team that makes up the Country Fire Authority.

“There are a couple of police checks that need to take place, but we offer a general firefighter package to new volunteers which will teach all the basics before a recruit is deemed operational.

“Lots of assistance is available to new volunteers and the Bellbrae CFA is a welcoming and friendly environment.”

Bellbrae CFA’s captain Aaron Sytema is encouraging anyone keen to keep the community safe to consider joining his Brigade.

Bellbrae CFA presently has 13 active members in its Brigade, but Mr Sytema says he would like to increase that number up to 25 heading into the summer season.

The brigade is one of five Surf Coast based stations and has close relationships with the Torquay, Freshwater Creek and Anglesea units.

“We have an unbelievably effective team at the moment,” Mr Sytema said.

“We have members with vast amounts of experience.

“One of our members has 35 years of experience, personally I have 20 years of experience and others tend to have almost 10 years as CFA volunteers.

“We absolutely encourage people with no CFA experience to consider joining, every volunteer starts at that stage, and we accept firefighters of all walks of life.”

Bellbrae CFA’s captain Aaron Sytema is one of 13 current members at the Surf Coast-based Brigade.

Long-term weather forecasters predict an El Nino event to arrive this summer, resulting in reduced rainfall.

“We can’t be sure that it will happen for a certainty this summer,” brigade member Eric Messer said.

“However, we have to prepare for it nevertheless and we have to be proactive.

“The last time Australia experienced an El Nino was in 2019-20 and that was during the Black Summer.”

To become a member, or for more information, phone Bellbrae CFA on 0431 482 069.

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