Children’s week to provide online fun for everyone

October 22, 2020 BY

Wildlife Xposure’s Xavier Morello will be hosting an interactive marine life session.

CHILDREN’S Week begins on Saturday (October 24), with a raft of free online activities available to residents through the Surf Coast Shire’s website.

The Surf Coast Shire council along with the Early Years Reference Group are providing a diverse range of sessions, from building your own rocket launcher and backyard obstacle course, to playdough making and nature play.

Torquay business WildlifeXposure will also be hosting an online interactive marine life session.

Surf Coast Shire council general manager Culture and Community Chris Pike said the week had plenty to offer families despite the changes necessitated by COVID-19.

“While Children’s Week will look a bit different this year, I’m pleased that local families can still take part in such a diverse range of free online activities sure to suit all stages and interests,” Mr Pike said.

“I’d also like to recognise the dedication and innovation shown by all Surf Coast early years professionals who have unfailingly continued to educate and care for our children in a very difficult year.”

Children’s Week is a global initiative that aims to promote the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

The theme of this year’s Children’s Week is Article 15 of the UNRC, which is a “children’s right to meet together and to join groups and organisations, as long as this does not stop other people from enjoying their rights.”

For a full list of events head to

The activities will be available to access anytime for a two-week period after Children’s Week begins.


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