City adopts sustainability policy to combat climate change

February 18, 2021 BY

The City of Greater Geelong has implemented a sustainability policy to further support the framework developed last year.

THE City of Greater Geelong has introduced a sustainability policy in the latest bid to become a more environmentally conscious region.

Sustainability has become a key theme in a number of city policies including the Council Plan 2018-2022 and the community’s 30-year Clever and Creative vision.

The ambition of becoming recognised as a sustainable region reflects the high priority the city is placing on climate change resilience.

A spokesperson for the city said the goal reflects “a continual way of thinking that focuses on the best outcomes for the community, environment and the economy now and in the future”.

Geelong mayor Stephanie Asher said the policy was outlined last July as a key action in the Sustainability Framework.

The framework further outlines the city’s intention to be carbon neutral by 2025, remove single-use plastic from council buildings by 2022, establish an additional 1,000 hectares of protected natural habitat by 2030 and increase tree canopy cover to 25 per cent by 2045.

“The adoption of the Sustainability Policy is another strategic step towards our goal of becoming an enduring city-region and making sustainability integral to all decision-making,” Cr Asher said.

“This policy will provide an essential driver in strengthening the city’s focus on finding positive solutions to address future challenges such as climate change, population growth, infrastructure development and social equity.”

Under the new policy the city will commit to greener community spaces, display equal consideration of social, economic and environmental issues, embed sustainability as a principle across all city operations, report regularly to the community and build partnerships with key community groups.

Deputy chair of the Sustainability Performance portfolio, councillor Belinda Moloney, said the policy will play an integral role in meeting the city’s goals outlined for the region.

“This policy is another positive, deliberate step towards the city becoming more sustainable in terms of the environment, economy and the community,” Cr Moloney said.

“I thank community members for helping to shape this policy. We are listening, pushing for action and taking responsibility on sustainability.”

For more information on how the city is working towards sustainability head to

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