Coastal respite for bushfire affected families

April 15, 2021 BY

Bushire-affected residents from Far East Gippsland were welcomed to Anglesea for some well deserved family fun.

A LOCAL respite initiative has this week welcomed families from Far East Gippsland to the region for much-needed family fun following the devastating bushfires and global pandemic.

A group of locals from the Anglesea Community Network, along with Auspice Host and the Anglesea Community House, donated their time to enable families recovering from ongoing disasters to enjoy an all-expenses paid week at Burnside Camp.

On Sunday 71 East Gippsland residents arrived at the campsite managed by Baptist Camping Victoria.

Sheryle Luttrell said the idea to host a family-friendly getaway for bushfire affected families came to her two days after the Mallacoota fires hit.

“Back in 2007 there was a model put together to help people in Gippsland following the floods,” she said.

“The people of Anglesea had gotten together and created an opportunity for these people to come to the Surf Coast, so there was a model in place and we realised we could do something similar.”

The program has been funded by the Victorian Bushfire Appeal conducted in partnership with the Victorian Government and Bendigo Bank’s Community Enterprise Foundation.

“At the time of organising, the Victorian Government had given more funding for the bushfire recovery and we were going to the be the first application,” she said.

Fiona Beckwith, strategic community marketing manager for the Community Enterprise Foundation, acknowledged generous donors who contributed to their Victorian Bushfire Appeal.

“The community-led approach for assisting fire affected communities has seen funding for projects to assist with the recovery journey including the Mallacoota Skate Park Renewal, Clifton Creek Public Hall upgrade and this amazing camp,” she said.

“We know that the greatest success for our communities, and our State, will come from an ongoing community-driven recovery and rebuilding process and we will be there every step of the way.”

The five-day trip has been action-packed with local performers and businesses getting on board to give guests a glimpse of what Anglesea has to offer.

“It is all about fun,” Ms Luttrell said.

“The emphasise is no longer on the trauma of the bushfires and COVID-19.

“We needed to give their community something to look forward to.”

Local businesses including Go Ride A Wave, The Great Ocean Road Chocolaterie & Ice Creamery, Ecologic Lighthouse tours, Anglesea Golf Course, the Community Garden and Anglesea Art House donated their time and services to the visitors, as well as lining up group activities such as a music night with local musicians and Bollywood dancing.

Searoad Ferries also joined the initiative offering heavily discounted fares for the families to travel home via Queenscliff and Sorrento.

“We didn’t want to put a date to this that we couldn’t deliver because these people have enough things happening in their lives, we didn’t want to build that anticipation for it to be depleted,” Ms Luttrell said.

“Everything has come together thanks to the community.

“The Surf Coast community have really been so generous and respectful.”

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