
Committee For Lorne: A word from the Chairman – May 17, 2018

May 16, 2018 BY

Last Friday, the winner was revealed in the competition to design the Lorne foreshore redevelopment at Point Grey. At a number of presentations last week, the Great Ocean Road Coast Committee (GORCC) announced the winning design team to redevelop the Point Grey Precinct. Entitled “The Waterline”, the winning proposal by Searle & Waldron Architecture, Edwards Moore and Bush Projects was chosen by the jury for its “deep and thorough understanding of, and response to, local histories, peoples and environments within which the site is located.”

The jury for the design competition comprised John Wardle (John Wardle Architects) and Kristen Green (Kristen Green Architecture), Bronwen Hamilton (Office of the Victorian Government Architect), Jocelyn Chew (Monash University manager of campus design) and Richard Davies (former CEO of GORCC).

The competition sought designs for two new structures that will replace the existing buildings for a café, restaurant and public amenities, and the Lorne Aquatic and Angling Club. The winning team’s proposal is connected to both the Aboriginal and European histories of the site and will create “a shared place of family, community and celebrations; of traditions, of telling stories and listening around the oven/campfire” said artist Vicki Couzens, who is a Gunditjmara Keerray Woorroong woman from the Western Districts of Victoria.

The design is characterised by a sculptural roof, which will provide shelter over a group of small structures designed to accommodate specific activities. The angular roof will rise and fall to create a series of low-ceilinged intimate spaces within a larger overall structure. At the entrance to the café and restaurant building, a large, communal wood fired oven will provide warmth and a smoking chimney.

The new proposed building for the Angling Club will be an independent structure, visually connected to the public building through its materiality. Unfortunately my personal circumstances didn’t permit my attendance so I owe recognition of the above unbiased words to Linda Cheng from ArchitectureAU. I am looking forward to catching up with our local stakeholders to express the collective view of the Committee for Lorne on this architecturally striking, well-researched outcome.

I had the recent experience to catch up with my long time “brothers” in a warmer part of Australia where we rendezvoused with our Fijian counterparts and had a great week on the Sunshine Coast. With one of the “brothers” being hospitalised for a couple of nights (not as a result of self-infliction) and another couple liking wine more than they should, it was a great time to reminisce, remember those that were no longer with us and acknowledge how lucky we are not only to be doing what we do but to have the friendships that cut so deep – hope you all have similar experiences!

Don’t forget our next Committee for Lorne Luncheon scheduled for Friday June 8 but please , for catering purposes, you must RSVP to [email protected]. Our guest speaker for the day will be Damien Smith, chair of the board of Lorne Community Hospital, and Kate Gillan, CEO of the hospital; both of whom will provide an update on activities and plans for the future of this wonderful community asset.

Ian Stewart
Chairman – Committee for Lorne

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