Committee For Lorne: A word from the Chairman – October 11, 2018

October 11, 2018 BY

Can you believe it? – The final school term of 2018 is now underway and the countdown to Christmas has well and truly started, in fact in 70 odd days or just under 11 weeks, it will be upon us. With the final week of school holidays last weekend, I couldn’t but help ask myself how many times I was posed the question by locals and part time residents “how come it’s so busy?”

The coast and Lorne in particular, has seen enormous numbers of visitors and it starts to make you wonder where there are any changing trends with Australians travelling domestically today more than yesterday, or have people had enough of our long windy winter and just want to get out and about. There is however one certainty and that is the number of internationals visiting our town is at levels like I’ve never seen in my 35 years of working in Mountjoy Parade.

Whatever the reason it projects a great Spring vibe into our town and hopefully paves the way for what will be one of our most buoyant summer periods for all – and who knows what we are experiencing just may be the new norm!

Last Friday, the Committee for Lorne Community hosted our quarterly Community Luncheon at the Lorne View and with just under 80 in attendance, listened to the passion and inspiration of Graeme Wilkie as he painted the picture of how the Lorne Sculpture Biennale 2020 would evolve. Under the theme of “Bring me a Higher Love” and in his new role as “Curator” the direction of the Biennale is primed to combine our local history and culture with the international arts world.

If you get the opportunity to speak with Graeme, or any of his Biennale team, you will soon learn of the excitement that is growing from within their ranks with this innovative approach to 2020. I urge you all to rally behind this exciting event that has taken such a different direction and will be of such interest to all Lorne people as well as the wider arts community.

At the same luncheon it was a pleasure to be able to introduce Great Ocean Road Coast Committee CEO Vanessa Shernickau who took over the reins from Richard Davies in March this year. Vanessa gave a great introduction of her personal attachment to the coast, her passion for the area and a desire to work with our local communities in her role with GORCC.

The update on the proceedings with the Point Grey Precinct was well received, with those in attendance having the opportunity for questions, and it was noted that Vanessa’s presence was greatly appreciated by all in attendance.

Ian Stewart
Chairman – Committee for Lorne

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