Committee for Lorne: New Year’s Eve Fireworks Are Back!

December 1, 2023 BY

(As Long as We Get Your Support 🙏🙏)

The plan is, that on 31 December 2023, the New Year’s Eve Fireworks will be back in Lorne after an absence of a few years.  Would you like to have fireworks off the end of the Pier at 9pm and midnight?

This project is a joint initiative of the Committee for Lorne (CfL) and the Lorne Business and Tourism Association (LBTA).  Everyone misses the Fireworks, but it wasn’t until the Chairman of Committee for Lorne, John Higgins published his ‘wish list’ in his column back in August with one of his Christmas wishes being the return of the Fireworks, that people started to ask the question, “how do we make this happen?”

Historically, the Fireworks were arranged by the Lorne Chamber of Commerce, the predecessor to the Lorne Business and Tourism Association.  Back in December 1973, the local paper, the “Lorne News reported, “The Chamber intends to stage another display of fireworks on the foreshore this coming New Year’s Eve.  It will be a longer and more spectacular show than the one staged last year, and the Chamber hopes that it will give visitors to Lorne something to look forward to and enjoy, rather than having them on the street making their own entertainment.  This has, in past years, led to the destruction of plate glass and other property.  The cost of the fireworks will be $600, and the Chamber is calling for donations to help defray this expense.  Anyone interested in improving Lorne’s reputation as the place to visit on New Year’s Eve can leave a donation with Mrs Orr, Smith Street, or with Jack Carroll.”

This practice continued for many years and subsequently, Surf Coast Shire staged the fireworks for a number of years but decided to stop about three years ago because of rising costs.  The Shire stated that the cost of the event including fireworks and security was in excess of $50,000.  

So now the wheel has turned full circle and local community organisations, CfL and LBTA are working together to stage fireworks on New Year’s Eve again.

The first hurdle was to identify someone who was appropriately qualified to source fireworks and stage such an event.  That’s done. TICK!

Then we needed to approach the Great Ocean Road Coast and Park Authority (GORCAPA) to see if firstly, they would be supportive of the initiative and secondly, would they issue the relevant permit.  The safest and most visible location from which to launch the fireworks is from the end of the Pier, over the water, as has happened previously.  We made a direct approach to the CEO, Jodie Sizer who asked for a couple of days to do some research.  True to her word, she contacted us a couple of days later to say GORCAPA was supportive and then we received an email saying that, “We’ve discussed the proposal for Lorne fireworks and would like to support the re-commencing of this event in Lorne for 2023 by waiving the permit fee and providing in-kind support for the Lorne pier close etc. as needed.”  Good on you GORCAPA, we couldn’t have asked for more!  TICK!

In order to fund the event, we are reaching out to businesses in Lorne and to the wider community to help fund this event.  We want to have two sets of fireworks, one at 9pm for the younger members of our community and other members who are unlikely to be playing on till midnight and another event at midnight for those celebrating the “ticking over” to the New Year.

To have enough funds for two fireworks events of about 12 minutes each, we need about $20,000.  Already, we have received strong support from the business community, but we need more.  So, we have set up a Go Fund Me project so that everyone in the community, if they wish, can contribute to make this plan for Fireworks on New Year’s Eve a reality.

You can scan the QR Code on this page with the camera on your phone and it will open up the page where you can make a donation.  Alternatively, you can visit the GoFundMe page directly with the following link –

So if you want New Year’s Eve to be like the good old days with a major spectacle of fireworks and lots of “oooh’s and aaah’s, please support this fundraising project.  Lorne always digs deep for a good cause and hopefully this project will continue the tradition.

Pete Spring

Committee for Lorne



A word from the Chairman


It was an honour and a privilege to be at Stribling Reserve last Thursday evening to welcome Cam Nugent at the end of his amazing run.  Several hundred locals assembled with fire trucks, jumping castles, face-painting and poster-making for the kids, barbeque, bar, raffles and merchandise for the adults, while we watched a live-stream of Cam’s gruelling last few kilometres on the big outdoor screen and cheered him across the finish line. 

Having injured his knee early in the run, Cam mustered mind over body to finish his 153 kilometre epic run.  He was spiritually carried by his under-18 footballers for the last stretch and that seemed to give him new energy.  After collapsing at the finish line, Cam had the composure to thank his support team, his and Skye’s families, and all who had supported the cause.  As he hobbled, wobbled and grimaced through his speech, there was not a dry eye in the crowd. 

Special thanks must go to Narelle Lynch, Bianca Hollmer, Selena Walding and all the other volunteers for organising the finish-line event and catering.  This is how our community comes together to support a great cause, physically and financially. 

Amazingly the fundraising tally now stands at over $200,000, but the fight against cancer can never have too much money. To support this worthy cause, go to 


Meanwhile at our beloved Op Shop, the members have signed off on their renovation project.  After years of discussion and months of planning, it is going to happen next year.  As well as giving the shop a much-needed facelift, the works will address essential occupational health and safety issues.  The shop will need to relocate during construction but will keep operating.  We congratulate the volunteers who have driven this important project with foresight and vision, and we encourage your ongoing support for this very important contributor to our community.


We are now at the peak of Annual General Meeting season for our community organisations. 

Last Saturday the Aquatic Club held its very well attended AGM.  The Commodore reported on another very successful year with many fishing competitions and member events, and fishing awards were presented.  It was also the occasion for the presentation of Life Memberships to two of the Club’s most committed and hardest-working members, Ric Addison and Leon Armistead. 

Ric has been on the Club committee for 8 years and Vice-Commodore for 3 years.  As well as being in charge of fishing competitions and chief sausage chef, Ric has spent countless hours over many years on the design of our new clubhouse as part of the Point Grey redevelopment.

Leon has been a member of the Club for nearly 50 years, on the committee for more than 10 years including Vice Commodore for two years. He has been bus driver, expert judge, BBQ cook and bouncer.

Congratulations Ric and Leon.


John Higgins – Chairman


Lorne Ward Events Calendar –


  • 25-15/12 Veronica O’Hehir Exhibition

at Qdos Arts Lorne


  • 15 Unconnected Yet exhibition Opening Night

6pm-7:30pm at Lorne Community Connect

  • 16-7/1 Unconnected Yet exhibition

11am-3 pm at Lorne Community Connect

  • 16 Carols on the Lorne

on the lawn at St Cuthbert’s Uniting Church 7.30pm

  • 17 Deans Marsh Market

local food growers, producers and crafts people at Deans Marsh Reserve 10am-2pm

  • 17 Deans Marsh Christmas Carols

Deans Marsh Reserve 2-6pm



  • 12 Mountain to Surf Run

8:30am at Lorne

  • 12-15 David Princus -Watercolours exhibition

at Lorne Community Conedct

  • 13 Pier to Pub Swim

from 11am at Lorne

  • 19-20 Karen Stoneham solo exhibition

at Lorne Community Connect

  • 21 Deans Marsh Market

local food growers, producers and crafts people at Deans Marsh Reserve 10am-2pm

  • 19-21 Deans Marsh Sheep Dog Trials

8am start, Deans Marsh Reserve

  • 27 Lorne Market



  • 28-13/4 Photographic Exhibition

at Lorne Community Connect. 1st prize $1,000, 2nd prize $500 submissions close 19 January 2024


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