Develop an application for a artistic shire grant

The DEVELOP Artists and Creatives Grants is open to Surf Coast Shire residents involved in arts and culture. Cara Johnson's Cast Back is seen here. Photo: FRED KOH/SURF COAST SHIRE
ARTS and culture creatives can realise long-held project ambitions and advance careers with the help of the Surf Coast Shire’s DEVELOP grants funding.
The annual DEVELOP program aims to support creative exploration by individuals or groups, allowing successful participants to pursue new directions, ideas and concepts.
Individuals can apply for grants of up to $3,000, and not-for-profit creative groups can apply for up to $5,000.
Applications open on January 27, and the shire’s Arts Development Team will run a series of information sessions from late January onwards to help people clarify concepts and prepare submissions.
We know Surf Coast Shire is already one of Australia’s creative hotspots but it is important to keep stimulating original and expansive thinking and innovation across the sector,” Cr Libby Stapleton said.
“The DEVELOP grants program can help provide impetus for individuals and groups, maybe providing opportunities for taking creative risks or pursuing unique opportunities.
“We encourage emerging, mid-career and established creatives to consider applying.
Working through the submission process can be a great way to help crystallise concepts and ambitions, and we recommend intending applicants attend one of our information sessions and talk to our Arts Development Team.”
The information sessions will be held at:
- Lorne Community Connect, Lorne, January 29, 10am to 11.30am
- Surf Coast Shire Civic Building, Torquay, January 29, 3.30pm to 5pm
- Winchelsea former shire hall, February 6, 10am to 11.30am, and
- Online via Teams, February 12, 2pm to 3pm.
Bookings for the sessions are essential.
For more information and to book, head to