
Developer rejects open forum idea

September 25, 2023 BY

Polwarth MP Richard Riordan met with community members about the plan before Haven's consultation.

NEIGHBOURS of a proposed Torquay residential mental health care facility have called for its developers to host a public community meeting amid concerns with public consultation.

Haven Foundation has planned a 12-unit facility at Silvereye Street in Torquay’s Stretton Estate to provide secure housing for people with mental ill-health.

The development has backing from the Victorian government’s Big Housing Build, meaning it can bypass usual planning controls to fast-track construction.

But a perceived lack of community consultation during planning has frustrated nearby residents.

Neighbour Adam Reardon said he’d been aware of the plan since mid-last year, but has been frustrated in attempts to find out more information about the development.

“Since then we’ve been pretty much stonewalled the whole time,” he said.

“Whenever we’ve reached out for, like, more information about the facility or anything like that, we’ve just been met with absolute silence.”

Haven has started consultation in the past fortnight through letterbox drops and door-knocking impacted residents.

Mr Reardon is among objectors who say the recent engagement has not gone far enough.

“They’re saying they’ve consulted with the community and they’re being really engaged. All that looked like was door knocking on the on the closest homes between a two-hour period on the middle of the day on Friday, where most people would have been out working,” he said.

“If there’s a level of transparency, you get community buy-in. This is creating quite the opposite effect.”

Residents have asked Haven to front a community forum to address concerns, but the developer has refused to budge from offering one-on-one meetings.

Haven said in a statement that residents could arrange direct meetings with representatives by calling Mind Connect on 1300 286 463.

“We work in consultation with neighbours before, during and after the construction of our residences to address their concerns and ensure the developments sits harmoniously with its neighbourhood,” a Haven spokesperson said.

“Our aim is to create a welcoming and positive community for future Haven Torquay residents, that exists peacefully in its neighbourhood in the way our other Haven residences all do.”

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