DEWLP tries to save orange bellied parrot
ORANGE-bellied parrots were released near Geelong last week as part of an innovative bid to save the species from extinction in the wild. The orange-bellied Parrot Mainland Release Trial, led by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) and Zoos Victoria, saw 15 of the birds released on Tuesday and Wednesday.
With less than 50 orange-bellied parrots remaining in the wild, the trial is designed to boost the critically endangered population. The orange-bellied parrot is a migratory species, and each year makes a round trip of more than 1,000 kilometres between south-west Tasmania and mainland Australia, covering the oceans of the Bass Strait.
DELWP project manager Rachel Pritchard said the release of the captive birds was expected to establish a flock in the Geelong area, attracting wild orange-bellied parrots migrating from Tasmania. “This ideal habitat and the opportunity to flock with other birds will provide wild birds with the best chance of surviving winter and returning to Tasmania for another breeding season.
“It’s hoped that these birds and their offspring will fly back to Victoria next autumn, and eventually flocks of Orange-bellied Parrots will live on our coasts during the non-breeding season.” She said the release built on last year’s results of the Mainland Release Trial, which saw wild parrots joining captive-bred parrots released near Geelong to create the largest flock of orange bellied parrots seen on the mainland in nearly 10 years.
“The program involves the release of birds flown by plane from Tasmania, and captive-bred birds from Moonlit Sanctuary, Healesville Sanctuary and Werribee Zoo. “As part of broader recovery efforts, this ground-breaking project is giving hope that the orange bellied parrot can be saved from extinction.
“It’s exciting to think that Victoria could once again have flocks of orange-bellied parrots living on our coasts.” DELWP and Zoos Victoria have been working with Melbourne Water, Parks Victoria and BirdLife Australia to prepare for the releases at the Spit Nature Conservation Reserve and the nearby Western Treatment Plant.
The project team will be monitoring the orange-bellied parrots at these sites through radio tracking, camera monitoring and observation of birds. The state government is providing $200,000 of funding for the four-year project, as part of a national program aiming to safeguard the future of the species.