
Donations to enhance emergency safety in Lorne

July 4, 2023 BY

From left, Allan (Lorne Op Shop), Simon, Keisha and Matthew (Ambulance Victoria's Lorne Ambulance staff), Wendy (Lorne Op Shop) and Kelly and Garry (Community Bank Lorne). Photos: SUPPLIED.

THE Lorne Op Shop is being lauded by fellow local community groups for a donation that has enabled the purchase of two automated CPR machines.

The new devices will play a significant part in enhancing emergency safety within the region and ensure residents have access to lifesaving equipment when needed.

The team from Ambulance Victoria’s Lorne base and the Community Bank Lorne organised a morning tea to thank Lorne Op Shop staff for their kind support.

Both the “cutting edge capabilities” of the new CPR machines and defibrillators were showcased during the morning tea by Ambulance Anglesea and Lorne team manager Matthew Van der Ploeg.

Ambulance Victoria’s Lorne and Anglesea team manager Matthew Van der Ploeg hosted the safety session.


Mr Van der Ploeg said the show of support from the Lorne Op Shop was very special.

“The Lorne Op Shop volunteers have truly made a significant contribution to our community’s well-being.

“The Automated CPR machines they’ve funded will undoubtedly help save lives in times of emergencies.

“Their generosity is commendable.”

The donations will enhance local emergency services and overall response times.


In addition to the lifesaving equipment provided by the Lorne Op Shop, the Community Bank Lorne also announced the purchase of four new defibrillators for the Lorne community.

The devices will be located at the Lorne Community House, Lorne Community Connect, Lorne Op Shop and the Lorne Lions Village.

“The bank’s commitment to the community’s safety and well-being resonates in this action, with these defibrillators intended to deliver immediate aid in cases of heart emergencies,” Community Bank Lorne marketing coordinator Kelly Turner said.

“The joint effort of the Lorne Op Shop and Community Bank Lorne promises to bolster the emergency preparedness of the Lorne Community, ensuring all residents have access to lifesaving equipment whenever needed.”

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