Draft concept plan released for Anglesea hub

The Surf Coast Shire has just released a draft concept plan of the Anglesea Community and Health Hub, available for public consultation. Photo: VINNIE VAN OORSCHOT
THE Surf Coast Shire is encouraging residents to have their say on a proposed layout of the Anglesea Community and Health Hub, following the development of a new draft concept plan.
The shire announced on Monday the new concept plan, created alongside a community co-design process, shows how facilities will be placed at the McMillan Street site over the next 30 years.
“This is a place that locals of all ages and stages use regularly and feel passionately about,” Surf Coast mayor Liz Pattison said.
“There are a wide range of views, and it was great to have a diverse mix of opinions represented in the community co-design group.
“The group had to consider a complex range of issues, as well as the long-time horizon. While there was varying opinions, the draft concept plan developed was supported by most of the group.”
The shire states the purpose of the draft plan, formed in March, is to identify a vision and principles for the precinct as well as a conceptual site layout.
Nearly 40 representatives co-designed the concept plan originating from the community, precinct users and key interest groups.
The group then took part in a series of independently facilitated workshops in April and early May, putting in place a long-term plan for the hub.
The shire included this element as a requirement based on the urgent need for affordable rental housing in Anglesea,
“Affordable rental housing is part of the mix, because there is an urgent need for this type of secure rental housing in Anglesea,” Cr Pattison said.
“Too often we’re hearing stories of families who have lived in the area a long time having to leave and essential workers like teachers not being able to afford to live in the town.”
“As this is a council-owned site, which will remain in public hands. we have a significant opportunity to make an impactful contribution to the local affordable rental housing issue by providing different forms and types of housing that is respectful of the area’s surroundings.”
Residents can find out more about the draft concept plan by attending either one of two pop up sessions in front of Morgan’s Bar and Grill in Anglesea.
The sessions will run on Tuesday, May 21 from 3.30pm to 5.30pm and June 1 from 10am to 12 noon.
To view the draft concept plan, head to https://yoursay.surfcoast.vic.gov.au/angleseaHUB and provide feedback before June 11.