Draft hinterland strategy opens for comment

November 29, 2017 BY

THE Surf Coast Shire has invited comment on the direction of the Surf Coast hinterland, with input to help shape a draft strategy to guide future land use, development and economic activity in rural areas.

The Hinterland Futures Issues and Opportunities Report is now on public exhibition until December 1 and community engagement activities will also be conducted, with feedback to contribute to the draft Hinterland Futures Strategy.

A project in the joint council-community Towards Environmental Leadership program, the strategy’s purpose is to provide a clear vision and direction for the Surf Coast’s rural areas.

The rural hinterland covers about 1,000 square kilometres and includes agricultural districts and small farming towns, including Winchelsea as the main rural service centre. About 94 per cent of it is Farming Zone.

Winchelsea Ward councillor Heather Wellington said the Hinterland Futures report features 18 issues and opportunities that people can comment on. It includes refining planning policies and managing land use conflicts.

“This strategy is a chance to provide clarity for land users through clear planning principles.

“It’s also working towards one of our Council Plan outcomes for rural land to be used productively and sustainably, while retaining its environmental values.”

Fellow Winchelsea Ward councillor Carol McGregor said various businesses operated within the hinterland area including agribusiness, farming activities, local food and tourism ventures.

Issues and opportunities identified in the report include improving road infrastructure and information technology networks, exploring potential of recycled water, jobs growth, intensive animal industries, accommodation and food tourism.

“There could be opportunities for genuine agri-tourism experiences to educate people about sustainable farming practices, and for people to participate in the farm life experience and purchase fresh produce,” Cr McGregor said.

“With the Great Ocean Road and Great Otway National Park on our doorstep, there are opportunities to entice visitors to make the hinterland a destination to complement their journey to these world-class attractions.”

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