Entries open for inaugural Local Word Poetry Prize

Geelong Regional Libraries chief executive officer Vanessa Schernickau is inviting poets from across Australia to enter the Local World Poetry Prize. Photo: FACEBOOK/VANESSA SCHERNICKAU
Poetry invites us to think differently, and to see differently. A poem can capture the enormity of love, war, loss or beauty in a way no other medium can.
Geelong Regional Libraries and Deakin University have announced the Geelong Regional Libraries (GRLC) and Deakin University Local Word Poetry Prize, which is seeking entries of up to 75 lines from emerging and established writers in poetry.
All writers over the age of 16, whether established or emerging, Australia-wide, are welcome to enter.
The author of the winning poem will receive a prize of $2000, a one-hour mentoring session with a Deakin University writing practitioner and publication on GRLC’s website and announcement in GRLC’s e-newsletter.
Commended writers will receive a prize of $250 and publication on GRLC’s website and announcement in the GRLC’s e-newsletter.
“Deakin University is proud to sponsor the inaugural Local Word Poetry Prize, a prize that encourages the production of poems by new and established poets,” Professor David McCooey of the Faculty of Arts and Education in the School of Communication and Creative Arts at Deakin University said.
“Deakin University is committed to supporting creativity and to building strong partnerships. With the Geelong Regional Library Corporation, we look forward supporting a diversity of poetic voices, both locally and throughout Australia.”
Geelong Regional Libraries chief executive officer Vanessa Schernickau said GRLC was delighted to again partner with Deakin University to support Australian writers with the new poetry prize.
“Poetry is important – perhaps more so now than ever – because it helps us connect to the world around us: to see its beauty, to feel another’s feelings, to experience our own emotions at the distillation of something big into a few, carefully selected words.”
Works will be reviewed by a judging panel comprised of Ms Schernickau, Professor McCooey, and Geelong Regional Libraries’ Virtual Writer in Residence, Louis Glazzard (from the United Kingdom). All works will be judged anonymously.
Entries close at 5pm on July 1. All submissions must come via the Geelong Regional Libraries website entry page and the poem must be 75 lines or less, written in English. Only one entry permitted per person.
For more information and full terms and conditions, head to grlc.vic.gov.au/local-word-poetry-prize-2023