Esplanade apartment plan rejected again

December 17, 2020 BY

The proposed apartments would have been built across four blocks on The Esplanade in Torquay.

AN APPLICATION to build apartments at 86-92 The Esplanade in Torquay has again been knocked back.

Surf Coast Shire councillors agreed with the officers’ recommendation at their December 8 meeting to refuse a permit to Liuzzi Property Group on six grounds for the three-storey residential building with 34 apartments, the removal of native vegetation and the construction of fences.

These grounds include:

  • Its failure to respond to the existing and preferred neighbourhood character
  • Its height, bulk, siting and lack of landscaping
  • Its failure to demonstrate residential amenity will be protected from noise generated by the proposal, and
  • Its failure to provide a satisfactory level of internal amenity for future occupants due to excessive screening and obscure glazing, shadowing of open space and windows.

Discussing the matter at the council meeting, Surf Coast Shire mayor Libby Stapleton said the proposal attracted significant interest from the community.

“We were able to hear from some of those at last week’s special council meeting, for the hearing of submissions, which resulted in an improved understanding of the application and the issues of concern but did not result in any changes to the application.

“I think it’s worth mentioning a recurring theme of the Surf Coast Shire’s Municipal Strategic Statement is balancing development against the environmental qualities of the shire, which provide the foundation of its attractiveness as a place to live, to work and to visit.

“To achieve these, our shire has adopted detailed policies for the coastal townships and hinterland which direct new development into existing town areas and limit development in areas of high scenic, environmental and agricultural value.”

Cr Kate Gazzard said she was “totally in agreement” in refusing the permit. She noted there were 58 objections to the planning permit application and only one submission in support.

“Basically, the 34 units in four blocks is just not consistent with our planning scheme, the height is higher than our normal planning scheme for the Surf Coast, and it’s not in keeping with the character of our area.”

Cr Heather Wellington also spoke in favour of rejecting the permit.

“Often we hear from the community that the planning scheme isn’t strong enough to prevent inappropriate development but honestly in this circumstance I think the planning scheme is completely clear,” she said.

“This development is clearly completely out of character. It proposes two very large buildings across four titles, and by anyone’s measure, that is intensive development in what is a very charming, low-intensity residential zone.”

The council publicly exhibited an application from the Liuzzi Property Group for the construction of 48 residential apartments and 72 underground car parks at the same site in April 2018.

The council refused a permit and the developers then lodged an appeal with the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) for a review based on the council’s failure to determine the application within the prescribed time, but VCAT did not grant a permit.

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