Experimental trial fights back against Otways dieback

September 13, 2022 BY

The eastern Otways project team. Photo: SUPPLIED

AN EXPERIMENTAL trial being run for the first time in Victoria is attempting to counter the spread of dieback in the Otways.

The trial aims to re-establish native bushlands that have been infected with dieback (Phytophthora cinnamomi).

The project will involve planting of native species that have been pre-treated with phosphite, a salt solution.

This phosphite treatment is like an immunisation for plants, and helps them resist infection from the devasting disease.

Seeds for the plants were obtained from areas in the Anglesea Heath and grown by Otway Greening and Otways Indigenous Nursery in Aireys Inlet.

Before being planted, the plants are pre-treated with phosphite. Photo: SUPPLIED


A healthy natural environment is important for plants, animals, and communities, and Phytophthora dieback poses a significant threat to the Otways heathlands environment.

This plant pathogen can spread easily, causing yellowing of leaves and eventual death.

If untreated, dieback can result in the loss of susceptible plants such as the much-loved grasstrees in affected areas.

Grasstrees and other susceptible plant species found in the heathlands provide habitat critical for the survival of a number of local native mammals, including threatened species such as swamp antechinus, long-nosed potoroo and southern brown bandicoot in the region.

The aim of this trial is to reintroduce plant species that are otherwise vulnerable to phytophthora dieback to regain the vegetation structure and complexity of this habitat in areas affected by the disease.

There will be a focus on grasstrees (Xanthorrhoea australis), which is a species identified by the National Threat Abatement Plan (EPBC Act) as a critical element of ecological function and an important species of very high cultural significance to Traditional Owners.

The trial is being run by Deakin University PhD student Campbell Learmonth, who is collaborating with Barbara Wilson Pty Ltd, Corangamite Catchment Management Authority (CMA), Parks Victoria and the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.

“The battle against Phytophthora is being fought on many fronts through the Wild Otways Initiative,” Corangamite CMA manager of environmental programs Jessica Miller said.

“The project is undertaking mapping of the disease, hygiene training and treatment using phosphite.

“This research is groundbreaking because a trial like this has never been delivered before in Victoria.

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