Face masks to be compulsory in metro Melbourne

Fully covered: Face masks will be required by law from 11.59pm on Wednesday night in metro Melbourne and Mitchell Shire. Photo: FILE
VICTORIAN Premier Daniel Andrews has announced face masks will be required for all people in metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire from Thursday.
The move comes after 363 new cases of COVID-19 were registered in the state overnight, as well as three more deaths.
“Based on the latest advice from the Chief Health Officer, we’re urging Victorians: just as you remember to take your keys when you leave the house, you need to remember to take something to cover your face to help keep you and our community safe,” a statement from Mr Andrews said.
There are some exceptions to the new compulsory mask rule, which comes with a $200 fine for non-compliance.
People with a medical reason, children under 12, people with a professional reason, or if it’s not practical – such as running, will be exempt.
“However you will still be expected to carry your face covering at all times to wear when you can,” the statement said.
While the current advice for regional Victorians, that face masks are recommended in situations where a distance of 1.5 meters can’t be maintained is still active, people visiting metro Melbourne or Mitchell Shire will be required to adhere to the new rule.
“I understand this is a big shift and that not being able to see each other’s faces might be confrontig. But this virus is incredibly infectious and this is about keeping people safe,” Mr Andrews said.
“By covering our faces, we’re protecting ourselves, our families and every single Victorian. So please, just as you remember your house keys, please remember something to cover your face.”
As well as the new face covering rule the Mr Andrews also announced the current state of emergency has been extended until at least August 16.
Read the Premier’s statement in full here.