Farmers’ market provides great opportunity to support local businesses

November 19, 2020 BY

Michelle Mairs from Sprout House Farms will once again be selling her produce at the Anglesea Twilight Farmers' Market.

THE Anglesea Twilight Farmers’ Market will return tomorrow (Friday, November 20).

The market is all about bringing the community together and supporting local businesses, and following the difficulties of this year, this type of event has never been more important.

Anglesea Community House program co-ordinator Marcelle Renkin is excited to again be holding the event.

She said there would be a range of local products on offer and encouraged people to get involved.

“It’s about educating people about sustainability, where the produce comes from and supporting local businesses,” Ms Renkin said.

“It’s bringing the community together in a safe way.

“We’re excited to be back, it’s good to see the community getting out and about in a COVID-safe way.

“We’re providing a safe space for the community to reconnect.”

The market will run from 4.30pm until 8pm and will take place in the Anglesea Community House car park.

Ms Renkin said the market would certainly look a bit different to its previous ones given COVID-19 regulations. The market will have only one entry point – patrons are being asked to enter through gate 4 in McMillan Street; look for the flags. Food will only be takeaway, with people asked not to gather in large groups, and all the usual coronvirus restrictions will apply.

Given the size of the carpark – roughly 3,000 square metres – it will be able to hold a solid amount of people. The market is allowed one person for every 4sqm.

There will also be an opportunity for a community group to run a sausage sizzle on the night.

The zero-waste market prides itself on sustainability, and will be held every fortnight.

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