Feedback sought on Apollo Bay Harbour Plan

September 10, 2020 BY

The Apollo Bay Harbour Precinct Development Plan will improve the economic viability of the town as a tourist destination.

COLAC Otway Shire council is seeking feedback on a draft Apollo Bay Harbour Precinct Development Plan.

Presently on public exhibition after being endorsed by council, the plan aims to make significant enhancements to the harbour without disturbing the town’s fishing village character.

The $12-million project, which is funded through the Geelong City Deal, will improve the economic viability of Apollo Bay as a tourist destination.

The plan includes a waterfront boardwalk, a pedestrian promenade along the lower terrace with new commercial tenancies, new public toilets, added car and boat trailer parking spaces, an expansion of the Fishermen’s Co-operative building, and the relocation of the Port Operations Depot to the west side of Trafalgar Street.

Colac Otway Shire mayor Jason Schram said planning was initiated pre-COVID-19 and the project would still greatly benefit the township.

“Colac Otway Shire, like every other community, has many challenges ahead with initially re-establishing its domestic tourism market and eventually the international market,” he said.

“This project was planned well before the current pandemic situation however it will be a key to our coastal community’s recovery and it is vital that the community continues its involvement and we move ahead with finalising the development plan so we are ready to start work as soon as feasible.”

Cr Schram said it had been a collaborative effort for the plans to reach the stage they are at and encouraged residents to further engage with the project.

“The ongoing public consultation with the Community Infrastructure Plan has been extensive to ensure we have reached every resident, business owner and ratepayer and has included mail-outs, advertising, workshops and open-house-style sessions on weekdays and weekends,” he said.

“I urge the community to view the development plan and have their say to assist Council, working alongside the State Government, deliver Apollo Bay’s harbour transformation.”

People can view the draft plan and provide feedback on it by heading to

Submissions close October 18.

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