Fire Danger Period begins for District 7

District 7's Fire Danger Period has begun. Pictured left to right is Torquay Fire Brigade volunteers Jack Tingiri, Adam Glasson, Jackson Dawson, first lieutenant Cameron Martin, Alex Kilpatrick, and Justin Resuggan inside the brigade's base on Grossmans Road. Photo: VINNIE VAN OORSCHOT
THE Fire Danger Period for City of Greater Geelong, the Borough of Queenscliffe, Golden Plains Shire and the Surf Coast Shire is now in effect with a drier and hotter bushfire season expected to hit the state over the coming months.
The Country Fire Authority (CFA) began enforcing the Fire Danger period at 1.00am on Monday, November 20 for District 7.
CFA deputy chief officer South West Adrian Gutsche said the Fire Danger Period was being introduced due to the drying conditions in the forest areas of South West Region.
“This includes all the areas associated with District 4, 5, 6 and 7,” he said.
“Communities may still see some green conditions across grassed areas however the underlying grass conditions are conducive to carrying fire.
“With the dryness of the forest, there is the risk that if fires start they will take hold in forested areas hence the implementation of the Fire Danger Period.”
An El Nino weather pattern was announced by the Bureau of Meteorology in late-September warning communities of a warmer and drier summer than in recent years.
The CFA’s 52,000 members have been conducting their bushfire response preparations for the past two months and will aim to support communities this bushfire season.
However, Mr Gutsche is urging residents and visitors to use common sense and take responsibility for preventing fires.
The CFA provided the below details for the current Fire Danger Period:
A written permit is required to burn off grass, undergrowth, weeds or other vegetation during the FDP. You can apply for a permit at It can also be issued by the Municipal Fire Prevention Officer or the CFA District Office.
Lighting fires in the open without a permit can bring a penalty of more than $21,800 and/or 12 months imprisonment. For a full list of conditions, visit
Farmers can find legal guidelines and practical advice at
More information about FDPs is available online at
To find out what you can and can’t do during FDP, visit or by calling VicEmergency Hotline on 1800 226 226.
Residents conducting burn-offs must notify authorities online at the Fire Permits Victoria website (, or by calling ESTA on 1800 668 511.