First of the summer raffles finds a winner

December 28, 2017 BY

TORQUAY Lions Club said the first of its two summer raffles had been a massive success, and announced the winner last week.

Tickets for the Christmas Hamper valued at $650 went on sale December 4 and by the time local Terry Roseburgh was announced the winner, the club had sold more than 2,000.

The hamper was delivered to Mrs Roseburgh following the draw of the winning ticket by Bendigo Bank manager Shane Downing on December 22.

According to Torquay Lions president Tricia Blane, the popular raffle sold well in the few weeks tickets had been on sale in Gilbert Street.

“Tickets were sold by our Lions and Friends of Lions outside the Bendigo Bank during bank hours as we stored the prize in the bank after business hours,” she said.

“Despite the fact we didn’t sell on Saturdays or Sundays, our treasurer is happy with the results.

“Most items for the hamper were donated by local businesses and our Lions Club once again is most grateful for their support.”

Lions member Allan Osman said the club’s second summer raffle – a barbeque and gas bottle valued at $680 – was expected to be popular and hoped it would receive the same level of fantastic support from the local community and traders.

Tickets for the second raffle went on sale yesterday (Wednesday), and the winner will be announced at the Australia Day concert and sausage sizzle in Taylor Park on January 26 at 10am.

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