A fundraiser for furry friends

December 13, 2017 BY

Mt DuneeD Primary School pupil Indiana Fatone is a junior ranger at local wildlife sanctuary Jirrahlinga.

At only 10 years old, Indiana organised a whole school fundraiser for the local organisation on november 23 and has been donating her own pocket money too.

“I became a junior ranger because I thought it would be fun, and I’m interested in animals,” Indiana said.

“My Aunty Jess organised it for me as something fun to do in the school holidays.”

Indiana organised a crazy-hair day at school, with students donating a gold coin to participate.

“Mount Duneed Primary has been very supportive, allowing me to read the letter to the school that I wrote for the Junior School Council meeting to get the fundraiser approved.

“I did the fundraiser because I saw Jirrahlinga needed help and rely on donations to keep helping animals.

“It seemed like people wouldn’t think to donate to Jirrahlinga so I wanted to do something about it because I care about the animals and the awesome the people that work there.

“the best things about volunteering at Jirrahlinga wildlife sanctuary is helping out and cleaning the animals’ habitats and feed them.”

Indiana’s parents are extremely proud of their daughter and how she is always willing to help those in need.

“Indiana has a very nurturing and kind-hearted, always helping those in need, people and animals,” Indiana’s mum Laura said.

“I don’t know any 10-year-old that would think to do something so amazing and I am so proud to call her my daughter. Pride doesn’t even cut it. there are no words to describe how I feel about what she has achieved.”

Indiana’s dad James also had a lot of admiration for his daughter’s heart and said he was proud as punch.

there is still time to help Indiana raise money for Jirrahlinga, at gofundme.com/indianas-jirrahlinga-fundraiser.

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