GAWS releases 2024 calendar

January 26, 2024 BY

(L-R) GAWS foster supervisor Maggie Sim holding Billy, joined by administrator Lisa Siddle, and campaign co-ordinator Alexa Hayley holding Frasier. Photo: VINNIE VAN OORSCHOT

GEELONG Animal Welfare Society’s (GAWS) annual graduate calendar is now available to the public.

The annual calendar initiative, now in its fourth year, encourages residents to purchase each calendar with all proceeds diverted back into the Moolap-based shelter.

Each rehomed animal in this year’s calendar are former sheltered animals that were cared for by GAWS but have all since found their dream homes.

GAWS marketing and fundraising co-ordinator Alexa Hayley said the calendar initiative forms part of the shelter’s Christmas Appeal and has raised over $7,000 to date this year, halfway to its $15,000 fundraising objective.

“It’s an important fundraiser for us each year.

“We’ve also reduced the prices for this year’s calendars compared to previous years to $15 or four calendars for $50 to make them more accessible to residents.

“People can purchase calendars from either our shelter here in Moolap, at our Op-Shop in Hamlyn Heights, or online from our website.”

Funds raised go to things such as pen cleaning, clean bedding, food, exercise, and veterinary care.

Ms Hayley said GAWS was excited to begin 2024 and was producing plans to increase its capacity for animals.

“Geelong’s population continues to grow, which means our number of surrendered and lost animals is increasing as well.

“This year we’re really focused on fundraising to obtain the funds necessary to increase our infrastructure so we can adequately rehabilitate and rehomes Geelong’s abandoned animals.”

GAWS is also hosting its inaugural PAWS4GAWS Charity Dog Walk this year to drive more funds back to the shelter on March 3 at 11am.

Dog walkers will undertake a 4km walk along Geelong’s Eastern Beach/Park walking track spreading awareness for the region’s abandoned animals.

The charity walk will become a yearly event. For more information, head to

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