Green Spine wins landscape award

Stage two of the Green Spine Project, which is part of the Revitalising Central Geelong partnership program, will begin next year.
GEELONG’S Green Spine has taken home a coveted honour at the 2019 Australian Institute of Landscape Architecture National Awards.
The ongoing project – an initiative of the City of Greater Geelong and the state government – won in the Civic Landscape category and was described by the judging panel as a “shining example of how traditional retail streets can become inviting public spaces during the day and at night”.
It was also praised for its inclusion of intimate spaces and water-sensitive design measures, features not often seen in urban planning.
The project’s latest achievement follows its win at the Victorian leg of the awards which was held in June.
Geelong mayor Stephanie Asher offered her congratulations to all those who were involved in both delivering and maintaining the Malop Street Green Spine.
She also expressed her excitement for stage two of the project, with construction to begin in 2020.
“It is an exciting time for the Green Spine project, with construction of the next stage between Gheringhap Street and Moorabool Street to begin by the middle of next year.
“As the works are completed over the coming years, our community will reap the social, economic and environmental benefits of this beautiful, linear park.”
The Green Spine project was made possible thanks to funding from all three tiers of government.
Once completed, it will fringe the six blocks of Malop Street and provide a “botanical link” between the city’s two existing green spaces (Johnstone Park and Eastern Gardens).