Help city to tackle graffiti

December 16, 2021 BY

The faster graffiti is reported, the quicker it can be removed and act as a more effective deterrent to vandals.

THE City of Greater Geelong attends multiple sites across the municipality each day to deal with the issue of graffiti.

Graffiti was removed from more than 4800 locations during the 2020-21 financial year.

This includes buildings, public toilets, public rotundas, public barbeques, playgrounds and equipment, street furniture, footpaths, bike paths, council signage and reserve fencing.

While they’re out, city crews rely on the community assistance to alert them to any instances of graffiti or anti-social behaviour.

The faster graffiti is reported, the quicker it can be removed and act as a more effective deterrent to vandals.

The city aims to remove offensive graffiti on its public property within 24 hours, and non-offensive material within five working days.

While owners are responsible for the removal of graffiti from their private property, the city helps by:

  • Removing graffiti from non-painted/untreated surfaces at no cost, and
  • Delivering a paint voucher program.

Through a Victorian Government grant, the city has been able to create some videos to help educate those people targeted by vandals.
You can visit to see the newly created information videos.

There is a guide on how to remove graffiti, common removal mistakes and the issues to avoid, when you need to call a professional, and how you can choose graffiti-resistant surfaces when designing your building.

Please report any damage to the city and anti-social behaviour to Victoria Police.

For council-owned property submit a report via our preferred VICGR app – available on either IOS or Android. Or you can phone: Graffiti Hotline on 03 5272 4319 or email: [email protected].

If there is graffiti is on your private property, please report it to Victoria Police on 131 444.

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