Horse riders want heath access restored

March 19, 2020 BY

Horse riders are hoping to be given permission to enjoy the picturesque Anglesea Heath again.

ANGLESEA horse riders are appealing to Parks Victoria to change restrictions that disallow horse riders in the Anglesea Heath.

Parks Victoria took over management of the heath in 2017.

Soon afterwards, the authority began enforcing restrictions on usage of certain trails in the heath. Local horse riders have since been riding along Forest Road, where the traffic poses a notable risk.

Parks Victoria Area chief ranger Michelle Anstee said the authority was simply reinforcing pre-existing rules to protect the environment.

“Horse riding on single trails has never been permitted in the heath. There have been many illegally constructed trails and these cause significant environmental impacts including erosion, destruction of native vegetation, loss of habitat, weed dispersal and the spread of plant diseases.”

Anglesea Heath Horse Riding Alliance’s Gill Beaurepaire disputes this point, saying the regulations have only been implemented in recent years.

“That’s not correct. That wasn’t the case prior to their management. Certain tracks have been closed for certain activities. Certain tracks haven’t allowed for motorised powered vehicles. They’re some of the tracks we’ve been riding for 30 years and want to have access to.”

Members of the alliance and the local horse-riding community recently met with Surf Coast Shire council officers at the heath to discuss the problems riders were facing.

The council’s general manager of culture and community Chris Pike said the council would work with Parks Victoria to find a resolution.

“We have been concerned about the safety of riders, horses and road users on Forest Road.

“We will follow up with Parks Victoria to see how the safety of the riders and the horses can be addressed, without the need for the riders to be directed onto the road.”

Ms Beaurepaire said local horseriders were only suggesting minor changes to Parks Victoria’s regulations.

“Unfortunately, motorbikes made an illegal network of over 200 kilometres of single trails, and that’s the network that Parks (Victoria) are trying to close, whereas we’re only asking three kilometres out of that 200, purely to avoid Forest Road for safety reasons.

“We don’t want to damage the bush any more than anybody else. The reason we love riding in the bush is because we can enjoy nature.”

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