Hot rods are ready to rev, rattle and roll

Torquay mechanic Ken Dawson proudly stands beside his 1958 Chevrolet Apache black pick-up truck and red Chevy Impala from the ‘60s. Photos: HANNAH KENNY
REVHEADS are rejoicing with the return of the Queenscliff Rod Run February 1-3, where up to 1,500 hot rods and classic cars will cruise the streets as part of three days of festivities.
Among the shiny hot rods and custom cars taking over the Queenscliff Recreation Reserve, is Torquay’s Ken Dawson, 63, and his 1958 Chevrolet Apache pickup truck, which he originally imported from America.
“I’ve been involved with the custom car movement for 30 years. It started off with panel vans and moved onto Chevys. I’ve had Chev Impalas for 20 years or more now,” Ken said. “Five years ago we purchased the Apache pick-up truck. It’s just a passion I’ve had for a long time, we use to go to the speedway as a family. I love the camaraderie of people involved in the car scene.”
The Geelong Street Rodders present the QRR, which has been running annually since 1998.
“The QRR gives the general public the chance to see the passion that’s involved within the hot rod scene and the cars. They have the Saturday night cruise and everyone comes down and watches the custom cars cut laps,” Ken said. “Sunday is the ‘Show ‘n’ Shine’ day.
There’s always the regular cars but then there’s new cars appearing every year. Some of them are just spectacular.
“Cars are the same now; pop-out bland shapes.
They’re not the big elaborate shapes of cars in the ‘40s, ‘50s and ‘60s. They were made as real cars then, all real classic car eras.”
With three cars in total including “Blue” (a 1968 Impala coupe), and “Big Red” (a 1968 Impala fourdoor) Ken said despite being a car lover himself, the weekend was for everyone.
“There’s music and food vendors, it’s just a fantastic family outing. It’s a great day for grandchildren; mine love going for a drive in Poppy’s truck.”
Sunday’s Show ‘n’ Shine event on February 3 will run from 10am until 3pm with a $5 donation for entry.
For more information on this year’s QRR and a full program, head to