Ice-bucket challenge set to return to Port this weekend

Portarlington’s Geoff Fary, middle, and his son Sam will this year again take part in Daniher’s Drive to raise awareness and funds for medical research into Motor Neurone Disease. He is pictured with Portarlington Demons Football Netball Club members wearing “Big Freeze” blue beanies.
THE Portarlington Demons Football Netball Club will host some events this Queen’s Birthday long weekend to help raise awareness for Motor Neurone Disease (MND).
The club will again be doing its local ice-bucket challenge at its Round 10 clash against Geelong Amateurs on Saturday June 9.
The netballers also hope to be wearing their special “sock it to MND” socks, but that may also be the following week.
The events come as Portarlington’s Geoff Fary and his son Sam prepare to again take part in Daniher’s Drive in October to raise awareness and funds for medical research into MND.
Geoff’s wife Monica Hayes – a local Portarlington identity – was diagnosed with MND in April 2015.
A longtime advocate of end of life choices, she chose to embark upon the journey without undue medical intervention.
Alert, feisty, and active to the very end she died in August 2016 as she chose, peacefully, at home and surrounded by her family.
Geoff has been actively involved in fundraising for Fight MND and was recently made an Ambassador for the Foundation.
He is also Secretary of the Portarlington Demons Football Netball Club.
The incredibly popular blue beanies, made famous by the AFL legend Neale Daniher as part of the annual “Big Freeze” are now on sale in Portarlington for $20.
Geoff has limited supplies of beanies still available. Phone him on 0419 972 653 or email [email protected].
People can also support or follow Team Monica Hayes at the webiste at and chose to support a Daniher’s Drive car (18).