Know your NLIS requirements for lambing season

Victorian sheep producer Georgina Gubbins says that a strong traceability system helps to protect not only the sheep industry, but the entire livestock industry.
AS the lambing season gets underway in Victoria, producers are reminded of National Livestock Identification System NLIS) sheep and goat requirements that came into effect on January 1 2017 and are encouraged to order their electronic NLIS tags ahead of marking.
Since the introduction of electronic tagging requirements for all sheep and goats born after January 1 2017, more than 20 million tags have been purchased by producers.
At saleyards, more than 2.8 million sheep have been scanned and uploaded at saleyards to the NLIS database since scanning was made mandatory in March 2018.
Agriculture Victoria’s Michael Bretherton said the new year had marked another important milestone for Victoria’s important transition to electronic identification for sheep and goats.
All sheep and non-exempt goats introduced from interstate born on or after January 1 2019 must be tagged with an electronic pink post breeder tag before being dispatched from a Victorian property.
“Introduced lambs born after 1 January 2019 require an electronic pink NLIS post-breeder tag before they leave a Victorian property unless they already have an electronic ear tag,” Mr Bretherton said.
“With millions of sheep and lambs expected to be sold at saleyards this year, Victorian producers need to ensure all sheep born after 1 January 2017, regardless of where they were born, are tagged correctly in alignment with the electronic NLIS requirements and the manufacturer’s instructions.”
Interstate producers will need to continue to meet their individual state requirements for tagging and identification of sheep and goats.
2019 electronic NLIS sheep tags are available at subsidised prices from $0.55 per tag.
Producers can purchase up to 110 per cent of electronic tags purchased in 2018 or can order more if there is a genuine business need supported by suitable evidence.
South-West Victorian sheep producer Georgina Gubbins encouraged Victorian producers to be familiar with NLIS sheep and goat requirements and to do their part by tagging their animals correctly and completing any property to property (‘P2P’) movements on the database.
“Not only is tagging sheep and goats important – making sure any property movements are recorded on the NLIS is critical in our ability to trace sheep if we have to,” Ms Gubbins said.
“A strong traceability system helps to protect not only the sheep industry, but the entire livestock industry, everyone needs to play their part.”
For more information visit or call 1800 678 779 during business hours.