Little Aths founder recognised for community impact

Former Surf Coast Little Athletics president Claire Osborn has been recognised as a Surf Coast Shire Local Legend. Photo: VINNIE VAN OORSCHOT
LOCAL athletics advocate and Surf Coast Little Athletics Club founder Claire Osborn, has been praised by the Surf Coast Shire for her efforts over the years, being named the shire’s latest Local Legend.
Surf Coast Little Athletics launched three years ago, with Ms Osborn growing the cohort of junior athletics participants from zero to more than 150 young members in that time.
“I wanted something that would be available for my young kids to do in years to come and felt that living in such an active community it would benefit so many kids and their families,” Ms Osborn said.
Ms Osborn’s nominee said her selfless devotion to the cause has qualified her as a Surf Coast Shire Local Legend, helping young people to thrive, and encouraging healthy, active lifestyles.
“Claire Osborn has selflessly and tirelessly volunteered so much time for three years to start up Surf Coast Little Athletics and been the sole organiser, including getting sites, equipment, paperwork, communications, joining in regional and state relays, athletics comps and so much more,” her nominee said.
“So many families have benefited so much from having this in the community already and will continue to do so into the future.
“She has just seen something that would be so good for our community and tackled the mammoth task.”
Outside of Surf Coast Little Athletics, Ms Osborn works as a paramedic at Ambulance Victoria’s Armstrong Creek branch.
She also has had four young children while she has operated Surf Coast Little Athletics.
“When I was on leave from work it was more than a full-time job,” she said.
“It was until all hours of the morning, but it wasn’t just me putting in that level of work. There were other people putting in just as much at that time.
After witnessing her children take part in Little Athletics for the first time, she found it emotional at times.
“It just made me so happy to see them,” she said.
“I suppose even into life aspirations, you could see some of them wanting to pursue Olympic representation of their country through their experience of doing Little Aths, and it’s not so far-fetched.
“We’ve got locals of the likes of Ellie Pashley who have represented Australia at the Olympics, and she was a Little Aths member in her home town.”