Lorne foreshore master plan released for feedback

July 17, 2019 BY

The master plan will guide management of the precinct over the next 10 to 15 years.

THE Great Ocean Road Coast Committee (GORCC) has released the Lorne Foreshore Draft Master Plan for community input, and consultation sessions will be held from next week.

The draft master plan identifies works to improve the foreshore, considering accessibility, use, and enjoyment, and will guide management of the precinct over the next 10 to 15 years.

The plan has been informed by feedback from community and stakeholder consultation conducted over summer 2018/19 and in response to increased visitation pressure to the Great Ocean Road.

The key themes highlighted during the initial round of consultation included upgrading the Doug Stirling Walk, retaining public open space, new and upgraded facilities and improving path connectivity and accessibility.

A new authority, the Great Ocean Road Coast and Park Authority (GORCPA), is due to begin in 2020, replacing GORCC and other land managers along the Great Ocean Road.

GORCPA will become the Crown land manager and therefore be responsible for the management of the foreshore, and implementation of the plan moving forward. A clear delivery plan that stages works over the life of the master plan will be presented to GORCPA.

GORCC is seeking community and stakeholder feedback on the Lorne Foreshore Draft Master Plan up until August 25.

To have your say on the plan, you can attend one of the following consultation sessions:
• Lorne foreshore (next to SLSC carpark), Wednesday, July 24, 10am-noon:
• Lorne foreshore (next to SLSC carpark), August 3, 2-4pm
• 8 Nicholson St, East Melbourne (DELWP office), August 14, 5-7pm

You can also view the draft master plan and provide feedback via an online survey at gorcc.com.au.

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