McDonald gets moving for Relay for Life

January 10, 2018 BY

THE organisers of the Surf Coast Relay for Life are grateful for the ongoing support of Torquay’s John McDonald in the 2018 event.

Mr McDonald will welcome the New Year in a rush of preparations for several of the Surf Coast’s major fundraising events for charity and wellbeing.

With a band of Rotary Club of Torquay helpers, he has been collecting and sorting the thousands of books to be on offer at the club’s second annual book fair, to be held in Torquay over the Australia Day weekend.

The fair will be held in the Torquay Scout Hall at the Spring Creek Reserve.

Mr McDonald expects more than 10,000 books to be on offer, with most priced at only $1.

“Last year we raised more than $8,000,” he said. “It funded Rotary projects that helped the disadvantaged around the world.”

His primary focus now is on the fair, but he has taken time out to assist with a Rotary fund-raising sausage sizzle at a local hardware store.

He has also been organising Torquay Rotary’s next major event, its annual motor show, planned for early February at Elephant Walk on the Torquay foreshore.

“A lot depends on the weather because some owners won’t bring their cars if it is going to be crook,” he said.

“The show is in its 10th or 11th year and raises about $14,000 to $15,000 for us, so it’s an important event.”

Mr McDonald’s next major commitment will be the participation in the Surf Coast Relay for Life, to be held over the March 16-17 weekend at Polwarth Oval, Banyul-Warri Fields, off Merrijig Drive, Torquay North.

Rotary has entered a team of fundraisers in all of the Surf Coast Relays and was responsible for establishing the original organising committee.

The Surf Coast Relay for Life has so far raised more than $425,000 for Cancer Council Victoria’s research, support and educational programs to eliminate cancer, and organisers hope to hit the $500,000 mark this year.

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