Music video to take centre stage in local aged care
JAN JUC Surf Life Saving Club’s picturesque back lawn was lined with drums, guitars, microphones, professional media equipment and a drone on Monday, as the Torquay Community Men’s Shed Singers Group gathered for a COVID-friendly version of their much-loved aged care performances.
The 18-member group that usually performs at some of the local aged care facilities around Torquay, has been unable to do so for the last 19 months.

To remedy this, the Men’s Shed singing group successfully applied for a COVID-19 Recovery grant worth $4,000 from the Surf Coast Shire and will now be able to disseminate a music video to the local aged care facilities throughout the region due to their inability to be there in person.
Member of the singing group Neil Miller was responsible for the location and being a Jan Juc local, decided the life saving club was the best option.

“It has been an on and off situation getting this video organised, but thankfully the weather showed up today and I love it here in general at the club,” Mr Miller said.
“My son is on the professional-grade camera, the person on the audio used to work for me back when I was working in television, and I used to work with the man on the drone.
“So, you could say it is a bit of a family affair in some ways.
“As soon as my son makes the final edit, we will work on getting the video out to the local facilities as soon as we can.”

Mr Miller believes performing for aged care residents receives wonderful reactions and it is beneficial for members of the Men’s Shed, given they “will also be there one day”.
Coordinator of the group, Richard Marks, said the group has been embracing the benefits of singing since 2013. Since then, the group’s membership has expanded.
“We are a fun group; we sing for fun and two years ago we received an invitation to perform for aged care facilities stretching all the way up to Geelong. From that, we have been building our clientele,” Mr Marks said.
“We are excited to be able to produce this video and the entire group is really excited to use all these professional services at our disposal.”

The Torquay Community Men’s Shed Singers Group also thanked the Jan Juc SLSC for selflessly donating its facilities free of charge for the shoot.