Next step for Torquay pool plan

An artist's impression by Peddle Thorp of an indoor program pool at the Surf Coast Aquatic and Health Centre. Photo: SUPPLIED
THE SURF Coast Shire is poised to approve a development plan for its Surf Coast Aquatic and Health Centre as it waits on tender submissions to build the project.
The shire exhibited the development plan for the long-awaited pool earlier this year and opened it to public submissions, for which it held a hearing this week.
The development plan outlines the strategic justification for the facility relating to Surf Coast strategic planning policies, in this case the Torquay-Jan Juc Structure Plan 2007, and is a final box to tick before a planning permit application can be lodged.
Speaking for urban designers Urbis, submitter Ben Porteous made the case for the shire to tick a final box before a main permit application.
“After this development plan is approved, there will be a planning permit application lodged that will respond to [strategic] requirements,” he said.
“That will include the details of the facility, to determine the size of the buildings, the size of the pools and layouts.”
Submissions received during the exhibition of the development plan requested the council include indoor or heated pools in its final design, and arguing that inclusion of a health centre alongside the aquatics facility was surplus to requirements due to surrounding allied health facilities in Torquay and Jan Juc.
Neither objector chose to speak at Tuesday’s submissions hearing.
The shire will consider submissions as part of its decision whether to approve the development plan at a future council meeting.
Since exhibition of the development plan, the shire agreed last month to amend its preferred option for the aquatic and health centre.
Its endorsed design now includes an indoor 25m pool alongside a one program pool, gym, program spaces, allied health suites, café and supporting amenities, with the council underwriting a budget shortfall of $3.57 million to allow it to proceed to tender.