Ocean Mind auctions surfboards to raise money for mental health
CHARITY organisation Ocean Mind has teamed up with local artists and surfboard shapers for an online auction to support young people.
Three surfboards have been created and advertised through social media ahead of the online auction.
Organisers planned “Art Unleashed” as a public exhibition to go on show earlier this year, but due to COVID-19 restrictions preventing the show, the organisation advertised the surfboards in a different way.
Ocean Mind founder and chief executive officer Rachael Parker says it’s disappointing the auction isn’t receiving as much attention as they had anticipated prior to the pandemic.
“There has been some interest but it’s completely understandable that a lot of people don’t have the funds to be able to purchase a surfboard at this present point in time.”
Ocean Mind provides surf therapy to young people experiencing mental health challenges, social isolation and disabilities.
Ms Parker says Ocean Mind is hoping money raised from ‘Art Unleashed’ will allow a larger number of young people to enter the program as Covid-19 restrictions ease.
“We understand that there is going to be an increased need for mental health support within the community coming out of the other side of isolation and the economic crisis that’s happening,” she said.

The three-piece surfboard collection is largely influenced by mental health and the Surf Coast environment.
Local artist Erin Reinboth teamed up with shaper Luca Rossi to create their surfboard and says it was a therapeutic process.
“Living by the water is so powerful and there’s so much we can take from it in terms of mental health and having time out,” she said.
Shapers Corey Graham and Maurice Cole and artists Natalie Martin and Xavier Davis also donated their talent and materials to support the local auction.
“I’m really appreciative to all the surfboard shapers and artists who took their time to support this project and it’s really heart-warming,” Ms Parker said.

Reinboth says she was proud to be able to offer her skills in support of Ocean Mind.
“I thought it was a really incredible way to get behind such a great cause and doing an auction is such a great way to get community interest,” she said.
While the organisation is concentrating all their efforts on the auction, Ms Parker says she wouldn’t rule out a similar fundraiser in the future.
“The original fundraiser did have seven boards so we do have a couple of boards out there that could possibly, if this works well, be auctioned or we could do an art instillation if larger gatherings are allowed.”
Ocean Mind hopes the community will continue to support this and future fundraising events.
Online bidding for the surfboards is open now until Saturday, June 27 at 3pm.
Head to the Ocean Mind website at oceanmind.org.au/art-unleashed.