Over 500 swimmers hit the water for Queenscliff180 family swim
The weather turned it on for Queenscliff180’s family swim day at the weekend, with a stunning 25-degree day greeting 508 happy swimmers despite a cloudy start to the morning.
A slight chop and breeze sped up the current, making for an exciting 600-metre juniors event that was cheered on by proud parents and families.
The fastest female 1 km time was 0:09:07 in the 18-29 years (Kelly Stubbins) while the fastest male 1 km time was 0:08:30 in the 12-17 year division (Jackson Lazzar).
Fifty volunteers from the local area and Melbourne helped with registration, start line, finish line and water safety to cater to the event’s big turn-out of competitive swimmers and new swimmers.
The event’s takings will see 37.5 per cent go to the Queenscliff Coast Guard (who presented the medals at the podium and volunteered on the day) and another 37.5 per cent will be donated to mental health foundation beyondblue.