Pako Festa keeps calendar spot but will have new look

Pako Festa brings the streets to life with its annual celebration of diversity. This year will look different to previous, but harvest the same values. Photo: MATT HOUSTON
PAKO Festa will return in 2021 and despite the challenges this year has brought, organisers are excited to announce it will take place in its traditional spot on the calendar – February 27 – and through March.
Given the uncertain nature of COVID-19 and the restrictions that may be in place by this time, Pako Festa will undoubtedly look different this time around but will still have the traditional cultural food offerings, music and displays.
Pako Festa director Luisa La Fornara anticipated the festival would take place over a number of different sites around the area, with an eye to gathering restrictions and social distancing. But whatever the format, she was stoked to be able to start putting the wheels in motion for the popular event.
“COVID-19 is a very fluid situation and we continue to work very closely with the authorities and the Geelong ethnic communities to create an event that is appropriate for where things will be in February 2021,” Ms La Fornara said.
“At this stage, we anticipate a broader event across more locations in Geelong than just Pakington Street, but still with the usual cultural food offerings, music and displays.
“We are also considering night projections and online content to further enhance the event.
“We can’t wait to announce more details as soon as they’re available.”
The festival is organised by Diversitat and is supported by the Victorian State Government, the City of Greater Geelong and the Pakington Street Traders.
Diversitat acting chief executive officer Brian McMahon said Pako Festa sent a strong and important message about diversity and togetherness.
“We know that 2020 has been a tough year for Geelong, which is why we’re determined to make Pako Festa 2021 a major event – we feel the Pako Festa message of diversity, togetherness and inclusion is more important now than ever before.
“We’d like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the support of the City of Greater Geelong and the Victorian government.”
“We thank them for their ongoing support of the event and our vision.”
Pako Festa started in 1983 as a community-driven celebration of the region’s diverse culture. The event has come a long way since its beginning where 12,000 people attended, last year saw an amazing 110,000.
To keep up to date with all activities and the full program, head to