
Primary producer registration at risk

August 29, 2018 BY

CHANGES to heavy vehicle registration mean from October 1, farmers will no longer be able to purchase primary producer registration plates for their trucks.

The Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) is concerned this is the first step towards the complete removal of primary producer registration.

“The concessions provided by primary producer registration reflect the lower kilometres travelled by farm vehicles compared to commercial heavy vehicles,” Victorian Farmers Federation Grains Group President Ross Johns said.

“This ensures farmers are not cross-subsidising the cost of commercial heavy vehicle road users.

“Removal of primary producer registration would place an unfair burden on farmers and the VFF is adamantly opposed to any steps which may lead to complete removal of the registration category.

“In the lead up to the Victorian election, we are calling on Labor and the Coalition to guarantee the retention of primary producer registration in its current form.

“Additionally, both parties must agree to block any moves towards national harmonisation of state concessions.

“National harmonisation could threaten primary producer registration and the concessions currently available to Victorian farmers.”

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