Proposed coastal shift “not good for democracy”

March 25, 2021 BY

Liberal MP for Polwarth Richard Riordan maintains he is against shifting Torquay and Jan Juc to his electorate despite overwhelming support from political parties.

POLWARTH MP Richard Riordan has maintained the redivision of Torquay and Jan Juc would have negative impacts despite the state’s Liberal Party calling for the shift.

Mr Riordan continues to oppose his party’s submission to the Electoral Boundary Commission, calling the imbalance between country and city seats, “not good for democracy”.

“I had many discussions and had worked through quite a few options ultimately, some members have better deals than others,” he said.

“The liberal party’s overall submission is one that has to take into account a statewide view and I guess it would be fair to say the submission as they tabled it is not one that I think is the best for our region.

“You can’t add any extra seats, and this is a growing problem, essential country, rural and regional seats are being swamped.”

Mr Riordan has expressed concerns for both rural residents and those living in growth suburbs, stating neither are getting a fair deal as a result of having different issues and interests.

“It makes it difficult for representatives,” he said.

“I think Victorian Parliament and the Electoral Committee are going to have to do a complete review of the numbers and see under the current rule where fair and even representation will be maintained.”

Concerns have since emerged from farming residents of the Polwarth electorate who fear diluting their country seat will impact their livelihood.

“There has been concerns expressed to me by farmer groups who have come under threat from city centric governments about the decision to classify farm waste and allow twenty-eight day camping on river frontages on private farmland,” Mr Riordan said.

“These concerns in recent months have upset farming communities and they want good representation.”

Mr Riordan said he will wait to see what happens following the release of the electoral boundaries draft anticipated for June 30.

“I have concerns that the options being looked at carve up many local government areas,” he said.

“I am not going to second guess what will happen, but I will say it makes it a more complex seat.”

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