Red Cross needs your help

March 26, 2020 BY

The Australian Red Cross Lifeblood needs 14,000 donors this month.

THE Australian Red Cross Lifeblood says it needs 14,000 donors this month to bolster its blood bank before the cold and flu season hits.

While the world’s attention has largely been focused on the coronavirus pandemic in recent weeks, there’s no evidence to support coronavirus is transmissible via blood transfusion.

Red Cross Lifeblood staff have taken precautionary measures to ensure donor centres are safe, and only people who are healthy enough to donate blood would be cleared through its screening process.

Red Cross head of emergency services Andrew Coghlan said supporting people through periods of self-isolation and social distancing was a key part of Red Cross’ COVID-19 response plan.

“We have a pandemic plan in place to protect clients, volunteers and staff. As people practise self-isolation and social distancing, we will help them to maintain social connection in safe ways.

“In some states we are making daily check-in calls to people who are in mandatory self-isolation, with a focus on those who might be especially vulnerable.
“We continue to liaise with federal and state authorities to support a co-ordinated response to the pandemic.”

Advice includes checking in on friends and family whose employment is likely to be affected by the pandemic, only share information from reputable sources such as the World Health Organisation (WHO), don’t stockpile, and ask people if they need any essential items dropped off at their door.

People are also encouraged to donate to Red Cross as it continues to support people affected by Australia’s summer bushfires and those affected by COVID-19.
For more information, head to or

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