Removal of vegetation in Taylor Park

December 3, 2020 BY

An arborist has identified nine trees at Taylor Park for removal due to public safety concerns.

PLANNING permits to remove vegetation have been placed around Taylor Park, Torquay, as nine high risk trees were identified for immediate public safety works.

In an application lodged by the Great Ocean Road Coast Committee, nine trees and five weeds standing above three meters tall were identified for removal.

An external arborist consultant from ArboSafe was contracted to assess the trees located in the popular park and identified nine as being high risk to public safety.

The trees which are around 15 metres tall were reported to be in “obvious states of decline.”

The planning permit was submitted to the Surf Coast Shire Council in August and has yet to be approved.

The permit is valid for up to two years, but public safety works is expected to begin within the next few months.

Permits are required for the removal of all vegetation greater than three metres tall in Taylor Park consistent with the heritage overlay.

Great Ocean Road Coast Committee is intending on planting 400 seedlings in partnership with Friends of Taylor Park to replace the trees, however the impact of COVID-19 may see this postponed to 2021.

The proposed tree removal is unlikely to make a significant impact on the appearance of the park.

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