Rotarians wear purple for a purpose

Torquay rotary club member Linda Neale organised this year's walks in town. Photo: VINNIE VAN OORSCHOT
A MONTH-LONG rotary initiative in Torquay came to a close earlier this week, following four weeks of raising awareness for domestic and family violence.
Rotary Club of Torquay member Linda Neale and fellow members have wrapped up four weeks of walking, adorned in purple, as part of Rotary’s Say No to Family and Domestic Violence initiative with the hopes it can grow in future years.
“This became a spur of the moment thing this year, but yes, the overall aim is to spread the initiative’s message and try to spread it through the local rotary clubs around the region,” Ms Neale said.
“I attend a monthly meeting surrounding the Say No to Domestic Violence initiative, alongside other rotary members who are involved, and I’ll provide feedback from this year’s walks and decide how we can get more people involved.”

Rotary Club of Torquay members undertook scheduled walks on May 7, May 14, May 21 and May 28, going through different areas around Torquay.
It is the second year the local Rotarians have worn purple to help spread the message of preventing family and domestic abuse.

Ms Neale said the club’s walking groups have received positive feedback from their efforts.
“The weather wasn’t great last week, but our first two walks had an overwhelmingly positive response,” Ms Neale said.
“We had people recognising what the initiative was about and praising us, we had people who had told us they know or knew people who were in trouble previously, but the shirts are very vivid, so it wasn’t too surprising to talk to a lot of people.

“I think this year’s walks during Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month have done a great deal of good.”
Ms Neale said plans are being formulated to hold a walk on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on Saturday, June 15.
Rotary encourages anyone experiencing abuse in the household to reach out to 1800Respect or contact The Orange Door.
L-R: Rotary Club of Torquay members president Phil Beasley, Judy Beasley, Gail Birchall, organiser Linda Neale and Bruce Turner prior to their final walk this month.