Santa prepares for Surf Coast visit

Santa Claus with Torquay Fire Brigade members Reice Godfrey and Bec Allgood. Photos: VINNIE VAN OORSCHOT
THE Torquay and Jan Juc communities will be out in droves this Christmas Eve for the annual Santa Run through both townships.
The Santa Run provides the community with an opportunity to see local firefighters in a cheerful and festive setting.
Volunteer firefighter Martin Duke said the Santa Run was a residential favourite, with thousands of locals again expected to line the streets along the route on Tuesday, December 24.
“The excitement of the children seeing Santa on the truck just lights up our day,” Mr Duke said.
“Last year we had over 300 kids at Jan Juc’s Bob Pettitt Reserve waiting for us and over 1000 kids in total with their families along the whole route; it was something we had never seen before.
“It’s one of the brigade’s best traditions.”

The brigade will provide live updates on its own Facebook page, updating residents on the whereabouts of Santa Claus.
While the Santa Run is expected to be a happy occasion, the brigade will also be on standby to receive any emergency calls and may need to leave the Santa Run to attend any sudden call-outs.
Torquay Fire Brigade has also partnered with a local business to provide residents with an abundance of lollies.
The brigade will hold two runs to provide the community ample opportunities to see Santa.