Santa’s postie helper delivers again

December 21, 2017 BY

POSTIE Cam has had another successful year filled with community spirit, laughter, messages of safety and most importantly, the delivery of mail.

On December 1, the Torquay College prep classes handed their letters over to Postie Cam for safe travels to the North Pole, with the promise of a return reply on the last week of school.

Before recess on Monday, Postie Cam arrived in style on his tinsel covered postie bike to deliver the replies to the preps.

Passionate about his community work, Postie Cam hand-wrote 180 letters to Torquay College preps, all delivered with a side of North Pole ice.

A friend close to Postie Cam said the loved community figure was proud to be able to bring a bit of magic and fun to Torquay College.

“This will be the sixth year Postie Cam has delivered the handwritten letters to Torquay College and it gets better each year,” Postie Cam’s friend said.

“It’s been a successful year of bringing smiles to the faces of those in the Torquay Community and he is looking forward to a fantastic 2018.”

This year the pupils and parents of Torquay College and residents in the surrounding area would’ve seen many variations of Postie Cam’s bike, including Australia Day celebrations, day light savings for changing smoke alarms, Easter’s Reviver Driver program and surf safety.

Postie Cam has also been nominated by the Torquay Community and a Warrnambool resident to carry the baton for the 2018 Commonwealth Games and will be at Bristol Road on February 12 at 3.15pm.

Straight after Christmas, the tinsel will be taken down and the messages about swimming between the flags and beach safety will be shared by Postie Cam along his postal runs and throughout the community.

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