SBA to trial walking basketball

Surfcoast Basketball Association will host its first Walking Basketball trial on March 7. Photo: BASKETBALL VICTORIA
A NEW form of hoops will be trialled at Surfcoast Basketball Association (SBA) later this month with the association hoping to tap into a new demographic of basketballers.
SBA president Leon Sayers said the association will start gauging interest for a ‘walking basketball’ competition/program from Thursday, March 7 when it hosts the first of four trial sessions at Wurdi Baierr Stadium.
“Walking Basketball is a program we have looked at implementing for quite some time and will hopefully fill a gap in the basketball community.
“There’s a lot of people that for a host of reasons, age, medical conditions, other barriers, doesn’t allow them to run up and down the court for a game of basketball
any more.
“So this program is designed for the older generations of basketball to keep up their love of the game even if they cannot physically keep up with the demands of the game.”
Sayers outlined Walking Basketball as a slower style of the game, non-contact, and used on lowered rings, usually at eight feet.
The association has been in conversation with Basketball Victoria deciding on the most effective way to implement the new concept to the Surf Coast.
Each trial session over the four Thursdays will begin from 1pm and will involve skill work, scrimmage play, and an introduction to the rules.
“We hope to kick off a proper Walking Basketball program in the second term, which is why we’re undertaking the trial in March, to give us ample time to see if there is more to this,” Sayers said.
“We encourage people to register through the links on our social media pages or by emailing the club directly, however, we will accept people arriving on either of the four days (March 7, March 14, March 21, and March 28).”
Email [email protected] for more information on the trials or walking basketball.