School crossing being investigated

July 2, 2021 BY

A petition calling for a school crossing to benefit pupils at Lisieux Catholic Primary School (seen here) and Torquay Coast Primary School is being further investigated. Photo: LISIEUX CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL

A PETITION to erect a children’s crossing in Torquay raised an important issue that deserved further investigation, according to a Surf Coast Shire councillor.

More than 400 people signed the petition requesting the installation of a crossing at the intersection of Legacy Drive and South Beach Road, calling it an “urgent need” for students attending Lisieux Catholic Primary School and Torquay Coast Primary School.

The petition landed on council’s agenda last week with councillor Gary Allen moving the motion to implement other safety measures more suitable to the traffic flow.

Cr Allen said considering the volume of use, other areas would have a higher priority and recommended investigating the implementation of a speed hump and parking restrictions.

Initially received by council on May 25, the petition indicated that 33 per cent of Lisieux students walked or rode to school.

The petition said, “the heavy congestion and poor vision on the corner of Legacy Drive and South Beach Road means our kids are at risk when crossing here every day”.

“The further development of Stretton Estate only means the congestion on Legacy Drive will increase over time.

“There has already been at least one near miss at this intersection.”

Prior to the June 24 meeting, officers carried out two pedestrian survey counts, which found that seven students crossed at Legacy Drive in the morning, while 10 students crossed within close proximity of this location in the afternoon.

According to the survey, officers reported vehicles were travelling at a higher speed than the posted limited during school times as well as a high percentage of turning movements in and out of Legacy Drive.

Council resolved by recommending further investigations into road safety and traffic improvements with up to $12,000 allocated in the budget to allow for further research.

Cr Mike Bodsworth suggested council conduct a proactive review of all accessways to schools and agreed that council should remain in contact with petitioners to monitor the situation.

“The recommendation is sensible; it’s a really important petition on a really important item,” he said.

It is understood that Lisieux Catholic Primary School currently has more than 200 students and will continue to grow with a second stage development.

During the meeting, Cr Rose Hodge said safety should be prioritised ahead of data.

“I’d prefer to see something there, it doesn’t need to be on numbers, it needs to be based on safety,” she said.

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